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Skin Concern: Unwanted Body Hair

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What is Unwanted Body Hair?
What causes Unwanted Body Hair?
Signs of Unwanted Body Hair?

Treatment Options

Skin Concerns: Unwanted Body Hair

What Is Unwanted Body Hair?

Hirsutism is excess hair most often noticeable around the mouth and chin. With hirsutism, extra hair growth often arises from excess male hormones (androgens), primarily testosterone. Self-care methods and effective treatment options are available for women who wish to treat hirsutism.

Skin Concerns: Unwanted Body Hair

What causes Unwanted Body Hair?

Do you get nightmares about sudden plans of going out on days that you are not waxed or shaved? Now you don’t need to think twice before wearing that sleeveless dress or cancel plans just because you can’t wear what you wanted. The Laser Hair Removal technology lets you move away from the temporary and possibly painful solutions like waxing, shaving, epilating, and others.

Skin Concerns: Unwanted Body Hair

Signs Of Unwanted Body Hair

Excessive Growth

A perception of having more hair than desired on certain parts of the body, such as the face, chest, back, or limbs.

Coarse or Dark Hair

Hair that is coarse, thick, or dark may be more noticeable and, for some individuals, undesirable in certain areas.

Personal Preferences

Personal aesthetic preferences play a significant role. Some individuals may simply prefer a smoother or hair-free appearance for themselves.

Skin Concerns: Unwanted Body Hair

Treatment Options

At Kaya Beauty Skin Clinic, our expert team provides complimentary skin consultations. Our highly trained professionals specialise in identifying various acne types and devising personalised skincare plans for you. With a focus on addressing breakout root causes, we blend in-clinic treatments with customised home skincare suggestions. This approach accelerates visible improvements, empowering you to reclaim control over your skin’s health.

Laser Hair Removal

SHR hair removal treatments are easy, painless and quick solution to unwanted hair and can be successfully used on the body or the face. Usually a course of 10-12 treatments is required to achieve optimal result, but once you’ve completed your treatment cycle, you can look forward to a lifetime of smooth skin with only the occasional maintenance treatment.

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