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Skin Concern: Acne

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What is Acne?

What causes Acne?

Signs of Acne

Treatment Options

Skin Concerns: Acne

What Is Acne?

There are a lot of us suffering due to an unwelcome guest – Acne. It is a very common issue faced by millions of people worldwide, including older people and not only young adults. Acne is easily mistaken by some as a normal skin infection, or something that you just have to live with, but that shouldn’t be the case. Acne is actually quite complex and it occurs due to an interaction between changing hormones, sebum and a bacterium called Propionibacterium acnes. This is one of the main reasons why seeking professional advise is always recommended as home remedies may not always solve the problem correctly.

Skin Concerns: Acne

What Causes Acne?

The most common problem area for acne is our face, followed by other areas like arms, neck, back and chest which are less common. Acne also leaves behind some issues like pigmentation and scarring, which could just as worse to deal with. You get scars when the skin does not complete the healing process completely. Another side-effect of acne is Post-inflammatory-hyperpigmentation (PIH) which causes dark spots due to increased pigment production. These are treatable through chemical peels or even safe advanced lasers. Although, we recommend visiting an expert dermatologist to get your acne and its cause correctly diagnosed and get recommendations accordingly as it could be a variety of reasons like hormones, lifestyle, stress or heredity. In order to avoid permanent scarring on your skin, you should seek professional advise and get your skin back on track, and looking beautiful!

Skin Concerns: Acne

Signs of Acne


Blackheads form due to an accumulation of sebum, dead skin cells, and impurities, obstructing pores. When these substances come into contact with air, oxidation occurs, causing the distinctive black/brown hue, hence the name “blackheads.” This oxidation process tints the build-up, leading to the recognisable appearance.


Whitehead pimples form when pores clog with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria under the skin’s surface. Unlike blackheads, pores stay closed, halting oxidation. Trapped substances create a white or flesh-colored bump called a whitehead. These closed comedones appear as small, raised bumps, often accompanied by inflammation.

Pustules & Cysts

Pustules, small pus-filled lesions with red bases and white or yellow centers, surface on the skin. In contrast, pimple-like cysts are deeper, larger, and more painful, appearing as swollen, pus-filled bumps beneath the skin. These cysts cause tenderness and can lead to scarring due to their deeper location and size.
Skin Concerns: Acne

Treatment Options

At Kaya Beauty Skin Clinic, our expert team provides complimentary skin consultations. Our highly trained professionals specialise in identifying various acne types and devising personalised skincare plans for you. With a focus on addressing breakout root causes, we blend in-clinic treatments with customised home skincare suggestions. This approach accelerates visible improvements, empowering you to reclaim control over your skin’s health.

Intense Pulse Light

Using a specialised hand piece, a trained therapist administers intense pulses of light onto your skin, targeting specific areas. This high-intensity light, delivered quickly, effectively manages acne by reducing bacteria, breakouts, and inflammation. This IPL treatment achieves a clearer, balanced, and healthier complexion for acne-prone skin.

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Acnelan Peel

The Acnelan peel effectively targets and lowers DHT levels, addressing acne causes while deeply cleansing and renewing acne-prone, oily skin. Active ingredients reduce redness, swelling, congestion, and seborrheic skin, providing a multifaceted solution for comprehensive acne management in this latest advanced peel.

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LED treatments decrease sebaceous gland activity, limiting excessive oil production that clogs follicles, causing acne. Moreover, they target Cutibacterium acnes, the bacteria responsible for acne, inhibiting its growth. This dual action helps prevent breakouts by regulating oil and combating acne-causing microbes effectively.

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Charcoal Balance

It attracts and effectively absorbs dirt, oil, and pollutants while gently eliminating dull, dead skin cells. Simultaneously, it provides a surge of essential vitamins and antioxidants, thereby hastening cell turnover and aiding in healing acne-prone skin, ultimately promoting a healthier, clearer, and rejuvenated complexion overall.

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Laser Toning

The procedure, termed Laser Facial or Laser Toning, yields diverse outcomes based on energy and passes. Using a Q-switched laser over a mask, it targets skin carbon particles, removing impurities, excess oil, and dead cells. This dual action yields instantly smoother, firmer, and radiant skin.

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