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Skin Concern: Eye Care

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What is Eye Care?

What causes Eye Care?

Treatment Options

Skin Concerns: Eye Care

What is Eye Care?

Eye care refers to a set of practices and measures aimed at maintaining and promoting the health and well-being of the eyes. Proper eye care is essential for preserving good vision and preventing eye conditions or diseases. Here are some key aspects of eye care

Skin Concerns: Eye Care

What Causes Under Eye?

The underlying eye can play a vital role in not only determining the face’s beauty but also how tired, unhappy or joyful it feels. In short, the well-being reflects the area below the eye. The region around the eye is also the most common request for corrections, improvements or embellishment. Structural or skin modifications are commonly present.

Skin Concerns: Eye Care

Treatment Options

At Kaya Beauty Skin Clinic, our expert team provides complimentary skin consultations. Our highly trained professionals specialise in identifying various acne types and devising personalised skincare plans for you. With a focus on addressing breakout root causes, we blend in-clinic treatments with customised home skincare suggestions. This approach accelerates visible improvements, empowering you to reclaim control over your skin’s health.

Lymphatic Drainage

Cellular waste is generating swelling, puffiness and eye bags as lymph circulation is compromised, in and around the cells. These waste can be removed by manual drainage of the lymph. Lymph stimulation leads to an accelerated cure response which decreases swelling, which eventually reduces facial discomfort and puffiness.

Micro Needling

Micro needling addresses problems by increasing the supply of blood, collagen and elastin, and supplying the skin with essential compounds and nutrients. For your eyes, micro needling can help you minimise dark circles by increasing collagen in the region and essentially increasing volume as volume is lost. Increased collagen will simultaneously benefit the rest of your skin. Micro needling tends to improve the skin’s colour and sound by evening, and helps with hyperpigmentation.

Skin Tightening

Skin tightness helps in tightening the skin and stimulating it by collagen to make the skin more firm and elastic.

R.F. Skin Tightening

Radio frequency energy penetrates deeply into the skin to tighten fibres and induce college production resulting in tightened and lifted skin as well reduced wrinkle depth


The concept of PRP therapy for dark circles and under-eye bags is basically the same. The PRP serum cuase a healing cascade that tackles many causes of dark under-eye circles at the same time. PRP, promotes collagen synthesis, which plumps and elastizes your skin.

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