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Skin Concern: Scarring & Stretchmark

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What is Scarring Stretchmark?

What causes Stretchmark?

Signs of Scarring Stretchmark

Treatment Options

Skin Concerns: Scarring & Stretchmark

What are Scarring & Stretchmarks?

Stretch marks, also known as striae, appear on the skin following a period of fast development, such as during pregnancy or adolescence. Over time, stretch marks atrophy and lose colour, giving them their silvery look. Initially, they appear purple or reddish.

Despite the fact that stretch marks are common and do not pose a health risk, they aren’t always welcomed. If you’re self-conscious about your stretch marks, there are a few treatments that might help diminish their appearance.

Skin Concerns: Scarring & Stretchmark

What causes Scarring & Stretchmarks?

Any incident that causes fast skin stretching or shrinkage might result in stretch marks. Adolescent growth spurts, pregnancy, weight increase or loss, muscular gain, and surgery are all instances that come to mind. During these occurrences, the skin’s key support structures (collagen and elastin) are damaged, resulting in the scars known as stretch marks.

Skin Concerns: Scarring & Stretchmark

Signs of Scarring & Stretchmarks

Striae Rubrae

Stretch marks that are pink, crimson, or purple in colour are known as’striae rubrae,’ and they are the first to emerge. At this point, stretch marks are common to be itchy or raised.

Striae Albae

Your stretch marks will progress to the advanced stage, striae albae, after several months or perhaps years. Flattening of the stretch marks is a sign of this stage, and they will fade to a white or silvery colour.
Skin Concerns: Scarring & Stretchmark

Treatment Options


This world’s first device designed to treat all skin types and conditions using a range of DP DermaceuticalsTM Meso-Glide serums. The effect is an improved collagen and elastin development, re-surfacing, retexturization and general skin replacement anywhere in the body from difficult to reach areas such as the eyes, eyelids, earlobes, ears, lips, nose and décolleté areas, the belly and legs, for treatment for stretch marks.

R.F. Skin Resurfacing

Stretch marks can be effectively treated using RF skin resurfacing treatments.  Following just three treatment sessions, RF skin resurfacing treatments resulted in a substantial reduction in the surface area of stretch marks on the thighs, buttocks, and belly, as well as a significant increase in the quantity of collagen and elastin bundles detected inside the treated region.

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