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Hair Service: Dandruff

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What is Dandruff?
What causes dandruff?
Dandruff vs Dry Scalp

Treatment Options

Hair Service: Dandruff

What Is Dandruff?

Dandruff is a very common irritant for men and women both, though men may be more prone to it ever since the onset of adolescence. Wondering what exactly it is and why it is such a common problem? The white flakes that shed are just dead skin bits that make your scalp itchy. These flakes are also visible when the scalp skin renews itself and the old skin cells shed. This is when you notice flakes fallen on your shoulders while brushing your hair. A major reason for dandruff occurring is the scalp skin drying up. Some hair products can also cause dandruff for people with a sensitive scalp, along with environmental factors such as heat and humidity adding on to the list of contributors

Hair Service: Dandruff

What Causes Dandruff?

1.Malassezia Yeast: This natural scalp fungus can sometimes increase dandruff.
2.Seborrheic Dermatitis: Causes red, greasy skin with white or yellow flakes.
3.Infrequent Shampooing: Not washing hair often can build up oils and skin cells, causing dandruff.
4.Hair Product Sensitivity: Some ingredients can irritate the scalp, known as contact dermatitis.
5.Diet: Lack of zinc, B vitamins, or specific fats can increase dandruff risk.
6.Stress: Can worsen dandruff for some.
7.Hormonal Changes: Conditions like puberty can trigger dandruff.
8.Cold Weather: Dry conditions can amplify dandruff symptoms
Hair Service: Dandruff

Dandruff vs Dry Scalp


  • Cause: Overgrowth of Malassezia fungus or seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Flakes: Larger, oily, yellowish, or white.
  • Scalp: Oily, possibly red or irritated.
  • Symptoms: Itchiness; flakes stick to hair.
  • Treatment: Anti-dandruff shampoos with specific active ingredients

Dry Scalp

  • Cause: Cold weather, over-washing, or harsh products
  • Flakes: Small, dry, and fall off easily.
  • Scalp: Looks and feels dry, may be tight.
  • Symptoms: Dryness and itchiness; dry hair.
  • Treatment: Moisturizing shampoos, less frequent washing, natural oils.
Hair Service: Dandruff


Kaya adopts a comprehensive strategy to address hair concerns by examining the complete health of your hair by offering a diverse range of scalp treatments specifically designed to combat both dandruff and dry scalp. Utilizing high-end trichologist-approved products in conjunction with cutting-edge devices, we ensure optimal scalp health and rejuvenation for our clients.

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