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Privacy Policy

Our website is committed to protecting our customers personal information. All orders are transmitted in an encrypted format.

We will store your shipping and billing information if you create an account with us, but this information will be used only by us or our allied associates as described below in our privacy policy.

At checkout, we require the credit card customer identification number (CIN) with every online purchase made with American Express, MasterCard, and Visa Cards. The CIN is a 3- or 4-digits numeric value that provides a cryptographic check of the information embossed on the card. This security feature is designed to protect you against consumer fraud. Your CIN will not be stored or maintained on any of our systems and you shall have to provide the number every time a purchase is made on the website.

At Kaya Beauty Clinic, we are committed to providing efficient customer service and outstanding value, while respecting and protecting the privacy of our customers. To serve you better, we may collect and maintain certain personal information about the client, provided by them e.g. product and service preferences, dates of special occasions related to people you buy gifts for (e.g., birthdays/anniversaries), and billing & shipping information. Under no circumstances do we sell or rent this information to other businesses. We strictly protect and enforce the confidentiality of this information. However, we may share the information with allied associates for promotion & advertising of business, execution of orders, and the like. We respect your privacy and seek to protect the trust you place in us at Kaya Beauty Clinic

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