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Skin Concern: Lips Care

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Skin Concerns: Lips Care

What Are Pigmented Lips?

Dark lips showcase deeper pigmentation, varying widely due to genetics and environmental influences. While lip colour hinges on melanin production and blood flow, changing trends celebrate both natural and cosmetic-enhanced dark shades. Regardless, optimal lip care, including hydration and sun protection, remains vital for maintaining lip health and allure.

Skin Concerns: Lips Care

Causes Of Dark Lips


Some people are born with darker lips or may inherit a tendency towards hyperpigmentation.

Sun Exposure

Prolonged exposure to the sun can increase melanin production in the lips, leading to a darker appearance.


The nicotine in tobacco can cause darkening of the lips over time.


Excessive consumption of tea, coffee, or other caffeinated beverages can lead to darkened lips for some people.


Some low-quality lipsticks or those with heavy metals can lead to pigmentation if used for an extended period.

Vitamin B Deficiency

Lack of some essential vitamins can result in lip discoloration.


Some medicines, especially chemotherapy drugs, can cause hyperpigmentation, including on the lips.


Allergic reactions to toothpaste, lip balms, or lipsticks can cause dark patches on the lips.

Dryness & Chapping

Chronic dryness can lead to darkening of the lips.


Biting or excessive rubbing can cause trauma and lead to hyperpigmentation.

Hormonal Imbalances

Changes in hormones, especially during pregnancy, can cause darkening of the lips.


Lack of adequate water intake can sometimes cause the lips to appear darker.

Skin Concerns: Lips Care

Kaya’s Approach To Dark Lips

At Kaya Beauty Clinic, we provide a diverse range of treatments tailored for dark lips, addressing various causes. Our goal is to achieve revitalized and naturally radiant lips for our clients.

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