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Skin Concern: Dull Skin

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What is Dull Skin?

What causes Dull Skin?

Treatment Options

Skin Concerns: Dull Skin

What is Dull Skin?

Dull skin is skin that looks lacklustre, flat, or even grey, and may even feel rough or bumpy to the touch. What causes dull skin? It’s the result of dead skin cell build-up on the surface of your skin, and it can happen at any age and in any weather.

Skin Concerns: Dull Skin

What causes Dull Skin?

Dead Skin Cells: The natural process of shedding dead skin cells can accumulate on the skin’s surface, leading to a dull appearance. Regular exfoliation helps remove these dead cells and promotes a brighter complexion.

Dehydration: Lack of proper hydration can make the skin look and feel dry, rough, and dull. Adequate water intake and the use of moisturizers help maintain the skin’s moisture balance.

Skin Concerns: Dull Skin

Treatment Options

Photo Facial

Everybody loves the sunshine! Limited exposure is good for the soul and the immediate effects it has on the skin such as a tan and healthy glow are much desired. However, in the long term, sun exposure decreases the production of collagen, which in turn causes damage to the skin making it feel wrinkled and coarse and looking red and tired. Skin rejuvenation treatments will improve skin tone, texture, refine and refresh the skin by increasing the production of collagen in the skin.

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This one-of-a-kind procedure mixes water blast with vacuum suction to clean the skin pores from the inside out and remove any impurities. Hydrabrasion, in comparison to normal Micro dermabrasion, is a mild exfoliating and pore clearing procedure that helps to eliminate dead skin and debris while also stimulating collagen synthesis to improve elasticity. It’s not only a way to keep your skin looking great, but it’s also a good way to control acne and symptoms of premature ageing. Acne sufferers will regain control of their skin with fortnightly to monthly treatments.

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Oxygen Therapy

The skin is oxygenated and refreshed by using natural oxygen molecules from within and activating the Bohr effect. Increased oxygen on the skin’s surface promotes youthful, healthier-looking skin by improving blood flow and natural metabolic processes. The skin also benefits from the increased oxygen levels. The treatments result in smoother and revitalized skin, with immediate and long-term effects.

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Ultra C

This facial exhibits a dual antioxidant action by neutralising cell free radicals and regenerate vitamin E which helps in prevention and palliative action on UVA and UVB damage on epidermal cells. Face looks more clear, radiant and plump after one treatment itself.

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Laser Toning

The procedure, termed Laser Facial or Laser Toning, yields diverse outcomes based on energy and passes. Using a Q-switched laser over a mask, it targets skin carbon particles, removing impurities, excess oil, and dead cells. This dual action yields instantly smoother, firmer, and radiant skin.

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